Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Living waters

I wonder who still visits this blog? *blows off virtual dust*
Still enjoying blogging over here, I guess only few will see this anyway.
As I dived into the depths of God's thick instructions for life, I wondered what IS living water?
And what does it mean to exchange my needs for this living water?
Well. Urm. Living water flows lor, unlike stagnant stale waters.
Exchanging pool of stagnant water for fresh flowing springs, good deal!

So what is living water? It means a new life for me. Looking beyond my past and what people have labeled me to be. It means hope, God's wonderful plan. Never ending boundless love, always refilled, refreshed. Never thirsting for love.

Stagnant Waters. Yucks. My old hurts, my old thoughts. My unmet needs. Mostly to do with acceptance and love. Unmet. And why is it so difficult to switch with such a good deal?
Because. I am too tied up in the lies I told myself. I have to pick them out one-by-one.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's nice to be home.

I can't remember when was the last time I just rested at home on a weekend or holiday. This is nice. ^_^ New Year was spent at my dormkeeper's place, the rest of the new year holidays out shopping or in the lab. It's great to be home!!! And in less than 2 month's I'll be back in Singapore :D Looking forward to meeting people and yet, I know I will miss what's in Japan.

Genesis 2:
2-4 By the seventh day
God had finished his work.
On the seventh day
he rested from all his work.
God blessed the seventh day.
He made it a Holy Day
Because on that day he rested from his work,
all the creating God had done.

This is the story of how it all started,
of Heaven and Earth when they were created.

Thursday, January 01, 2009
