Sunday, October 30, 2005

Counting the days to absolute freedom!!

I have finally tasted Royce chocolate coated potato chips and finished the entire box with a few other people. (Almost didn't want to share with anyone. Ha)
Exams are coming and somehow I am numbed to it. Yes, I feel the urgency to study, but somehow I'm not panicking as usual. I'm cool dude. Being cool about exams is a strange reaction from me. I guess I'm more obsessesed with how to remember all the info and answer the questions. I suppose now I can tell you all about malaria and tuberculosis now. Malaria is spreaded by FEMALE Anopheles mosquito and you can get infected with tuberculosis without showing any symptoms until the day you die. HAHAHAHA...... I can even tell you stuff at the molecular level. But let's not discuss anymore before I drive you poor readers nuts.
Had my 1st French oral. I sounded like... J'aime---beaucoup--- la natation--- I practically spoke word by word, no intonation whatsoever. The examiner seemed pretty pleased with us though... ... She kept going, "Tres bien!" Alor, it's a good thing after all. Je ne suis pas libre, parce que j'ai etudie pour les examens. My French is Fried. (Sorry abt the lame pun, I couldn't resist.)
Hope to go on a short getaway. Somewhere idle.. With lotsa sand, salt water and breezy coconut trees. I should just go to sleep now.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Time doesn't wait.

So little time, so many chapters... I wonder if it's humanly possible to cram everything within 2 weeks or less... ... Make that 1 and a half thick textbooks and piles of paper. If only my brain worked like my stomach. Then I'll probably get diarrhoea.
Weekend was pretty good, caught a movie, had high tea and went out to study with Wy.I really love eating wee tiny cakes!! They look so cute :D Kind of regret not taking photos of them. Had fun studying with Wy, I love her camera phone!! The pictures are so much sharper and of course make us look much better. Haha.

Sleeping at Bk?? Check out the messy hair.

Me and Wy. Stuff we do when we get bored of studying. Looking gd :)

One word: toothy.
Kind of tired today. Insufficient sleep. My fault.
Met up with Jas and Jun on Friday for steamboat. I was glad that we still could have such a good time going out despite being so dislocated from each others lives. I really enjoyed cooking squid for my "mums". Hahaha. Remembered what Yl said about friends. It's wonderful that we still can meet up, but when we don't due to circumstances will the friendship just die? I suppose it depends. Depends on the circumstance and how we feel towards each other. In the case of Jas, I will always remember her as one of my greatest pals and her sense of sarcastic humour that never fails to throw me into laughing fits. Hope we really will go kayaking after my exams.
To be friends, both must agree to being friends.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!!

Turned 20 yesterday and I would like to thank all my dearests for wishing me, "Happy Birthday!"

Day 1 of feasting
Met Na and Teng on Monday and we ate at Lemongrass, after which we walked around awhile for the food to go down.

Day 2 of feasting
Had a sumptious lunch in school with Wy, mixed grill.
Ate at NYDC with Yingz. Was bloated at the end of dinner.A surprise was planned at the end of dinner. I am so blur!!! (Or greedy?) I was too busy admiring the cakes at secret recipe to notice Karen behind me and OCX hiding behind his backpack!!! Hahaha... They treated me to delicious chocolate cakes and finished it with everyone's help.*Yum!*

Day3 of festing (The day itself)
Lost count of the happy birthdays sung in one day :p
Went to Fish & Co with corrinne, charlene, candice and jac. 2 seafod platters for 2 almost killed all of us.

This is one birthday whereby I've eaten the most!!! And I've still got more to eat today and tomorrow... Not to mention that I'll be pretty broke by next week. Well, once a year! I don't get to feast like that all the time. Food is one of the greatest joys on Earth :p

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Because I am your friend...

I try to listen to every word you say
Stand by your side even in the pouring rain
Know you like the back of my hand
We shared our joy and pain

Every year, I know you better
Sometimes marveling at the change
Made some mistakes
Argued a little
But I know at the end of the day,
my cares for you will remain

Wondered sometimes
if anyone felt the same.
You were there
before I even called for help
You knew me so well.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

When I lost hope, You were there.

Whee! The past few days have passed like the whirlwind. Things have been happening, some not so pleasant ones like losing my stuff due to my scatterbrains. But almost all of the not so plesant things pale in comparison to.... the reply the exchange programmme office gave me. They finally replied, when I've lost all hope (as you can see from my previous entries), to say that my school recommended me to go to.... .....

Georgia Tech in Atlanta!!!!!!!!!!
He gave me more than I expected. Here's a virtual tour of the campus and you'll know what I mean when I feel so blessed...
I didn't know anything about this place before I went to the website and it wasn't my 1st choice, but this place is just as awesome! Thank you sooo much God!!!!! And the dear people who were there to listen to me grumble.. Now, you'll hear less grumbling. Hahahahaha..

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's time.

Schoolwork has been getting increasingly tougher. French is becoming an unmanageable mess... Qu'est-ce que tu faire Dawn?? Help... Wonder if the examiner will laugh to death when he/she hears me speak? It's confirmed that we'll have oral and a test. It's unfair that the previous batch who took French didn't have so many tests!!Many projects and readings to complete too. ARgh. All the tests will be on my day. Wonderful! Whee! I'll probably do well since it's my birthday. (What kind of skewed logic is that?!)

Sorry ma cherie (if you read this). I am not selected for the exchange programme. :'( I am not informed about anything. I'll try again next semester and this time I'll be SERIOUS.

There's no school this Friday!! Yea yea yea!!! I wanna go watch corpse bride. Fine, I like morbid looking animations. In general, I like animations. Big (old?) kid at heart.

Go Dawn go! You need to start mugging. Dean's list? (Yea right. It's for egg-heads with straight As and I'm not eggy enough, like my friends.) Muahahaha.
Darn. Micheal Buble's concert was yesterday... And I didn't get to go again. I'm too poor to buy the tickets. (nothing new) I'll happy even to get seats right at the back. I feel like the Little Match girl? No. Cinderella? No. Know any other fairytale that characters live in poverty? Doesn't matter, I'll never belong in a fairytale. Nondescript.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Premature Bday Celebrations

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Shirley and Me

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The night falls. Pops caught this funny looking shot.

Feels weird that I celebrated my birthday today. The big day is still 11 days away I think. And if I'm not wrong I'll have 2 tests on that day. What a wonderful birthday. *sarcasm* Enjoyed eating at Al Dente Trattoria, pop's treat. The meal really burnt a big hole in his wallet :p The steak was Mmmm delicious really tender caused you cooked it yourself on the hot stone. Really fresh steak, not like the kind whereby you fight with until it flies onto another person's plate.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Blogspot down.

I'm blogging from photobucket. Somehow, blogspot doesn't open properly and I can't type anything since there's no box. Ah well, went for cell lunch at Carl's junior today. SUper Huge servings. I'm glad that I shared with Sharon because to finish a meal all by yourself is a feat. Still, the rest of my wonderful cell peeps managed! Haha. Drinks are refillable... Makes me full to think about it. Celebrated Matz and Joel's birthday, albeit there was some confusion. I am really sorry that I couldn't get Matz' present in time... ... :(

Catch phrase of the day: Crippled prawn. (Lame sia) *Doinks* I didn't come up with this. Believe me.

Went shopping yesterday, allowing retail therapy to do its wonders. It feels so good to be able to go shopping for once. To have the money and afford to buy the things you want. :D

Haven't been in the state of mind to type long entries.. Hope this entry is enough.

