Friday, October 24, 2008

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A real struggle.

Sometimes, it is difficult to pick yourself up. Especially when people who matter to you hurt you unknowingly or worse, knowingly. And though they hurt you, they still matter, which is probably the worse part. You can't just walk away. So what can I do?? I can't pretend it doesn't upset me. I've done that enough to know that denial just makes it hurt more later.

So I am upset again. And again I remember that God has promised me victory from such things. I am meant to live joyfully, not in permanent gloom. From this I understood how vast was God's love too. How much He has done for us and how it must hurt God so much that we don't understand or care for His sacrifice at all. My wee bit compared to His is nothing at all. If I live in gloom, He will be sad too. For I cannot glorify Him and His sacrifice for me will mean nothing because I am not free. Once again, I choose to believe that I'll be healed from my wounds and be set free.

All things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial.. Time to be firm and not take any more nonsense.

Time really flies.

I talked to a friend today, and realised how time really flies!
