I'm finally doing what students are supposed to do. i.e. tutorials, lab reports and projects. Sometimes, life seems to be better off when it's all about work. At least, work is still under my control? To a larger extent I suppose.
I couldn't make it for SCCC and I'm wondering if I should have went because now I really cannot gauge if I can actually serve in secell. I doubt I could have spent much time there even if I went, 2-3 hrs? I really pray things will work out eventually...
Had a great time last week meeting up with my dear friends. Sheena, Teng and Yl. Nothing fanciful, just sat in KFC at Braddell reminiscing about old times and catching up with AWOL Yl. It doesn't really matter where we met, there'll always be this common bond that we shared, same experiences, those long gone loony moments. I miss them. Things can never go back though, we're all changed people, we were this way for a while and then gone. Even I am different. But, my fondness for them and those JC years still and will remain. Perhaps, one day I'll say the same about my uni life.
It's going to be all about work this week. I've had enough.