Friday, June 09, 2006

All the catchy titles flew out of my head

Back! Back from Port Dickson after a 4 day Church camp. This year's camp was not relaxing like the past years camps. Becoz it was combined with the other churches and the other churches were holding their youth camps, therefore everything was planned back-to-back. Everyday I fell into bed exahusted. Food was almost unedible, both water and electricity went off during the camp. But, in all in all I'm happy that I heard from God Himself, got to know more people better. Was rooming with Jun, Eliz and Joey. It was kinda weird, but the main point that they split us up into cell groups comprising of people from different churches. Joined the 11-14 yr olds, thank God for Zhi Han's company. Think I would have felt really alone if she wasn't there. I'm not going to say what God told me becoz it is too personal, but whatever He told me gave me comfort and direction.
I thought I lost weight.. But I didn't really lose much.. half a kg? Sigh. Oh well. This means that my healthy weight is around there.(And i'm not telling what my weight is!! Haha) Anything less or more means bad news. My lymph nodes hurt. Still kinda tired even though I didn't go to work today. Need my beauty sleep. Zzzzzz

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