Friday, August 10, 2007

A bird landed on my shoulder in an air-conditioned SBS bus.


Don't ask me how the bird got into the bus and flew to the upper deck of the double-decker bus, but it did. The poor thing was trapped and flew smack into the windows in failed attempts to get out of the bus. It made a few girls scream and passengers vacate half the deck. It made me scream as it flew into me, but I could only sit in my seat as the stairway was clogged with students it had frightened. Finally, a brave soul, walked to the front of the bus, caught it and held tight onto the indignantly squawking bird. Thank God the pane right behind the bus could be opened slightly and the poor creature was let out where it belongs.

What can I say. 1 bird vs a deck (-1, the brave guy who caught the bird) of frightened passengers.

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