Saturday, December 08, 2007


Had a discussion with my friends about blogs today, we all love visiting people's blogs in our free time, entertaining ourselves with so and so's life, love life, etc.. Some people put up their life stories on their blogs and geez, their lives do seem like a soap opera. It's their blog, they're free to do what they want to do, but I wonder if they have any idea what kind of Internet traffic they are generating. I guess not. So, I came to the conclusion that whatever I post up here had better be neutral and non-gossip fodder. Haha. And. I've decided to blog only when I really have a point to make.
Considering that I've kinda disappeared, not really though, I still post little short snippets that don't really say much. I can only say that I have been really busy. On the other hand, I feel like I have not accomplished much. There wasn't a break after the exams, lessons started the very next day! This course has cured me of any desire to be an entrepreneur, at least for now. Living, breathing, eating, sleeping and talking entrepreneurship for the whole week! Educating this financial dummy here about stocks, shares and marketing. Frankly, it was TOO much. I'm totally brain dead now.
Aside the pain, there were some fringe benefits :D The best place to go on a holiday is Bandung. Fellow suffering BS ppl, should understand why. Hehe. It sells American brands like GAP, Banana Republic and more at goodness knows what fraction of a price! That's coz all the factories are there and apparently shrewd money-making factory owners have opened up factory outlets selling the excess and rejected goods at a fraction of the price! Hohohoho. Do I foresee a shopping spree soon?
I used to think that doing business was very risky, apparently not so. When the risk has been calculated correctly, it is actually not that bad. The difficulty lies in the many variable factors . I think it's crazy. I'm much happier being a researcher. Calculating risks seem worse than huddling in the lab. If I had to look at a spreadsheet all day, consider competitors tactics, Porter's 5 forces, etc... I rather go into a coma. I salute all business ppl out there. Hat's off!

Aside all that business about business (heh), here's 2 Aquafresh ads by the talented Wongfu ppl.

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