Tuesday, July 05, 2005

IOC at City Hall.

Went out, ate alot of sweet stuff. Overloaded on sugar. Better start exercising tomorrow! Just detest the feeling of lethargy sinking in making you feel like a lump of lard. Better slack away when I still can and get my exchange program application done soon. Seriously, the form is a chore to fill in. It's super long-winded... But, for the sake of a new environment. I'll do it. Soon.
Will be doing a VCD marathon tomorrow :p (Thank Leb for the VCDs) Welcome to a slacker's life!!! Hahaha. Perhaps start clearing my room the week before school starts. Don't you just envy me?
Slacking aside. I quite regret not buying the T-shirt I saw at Bugis last week with Candice. It wasn't expensive, but somehow I just wasn't inclined to buy it then. When I went back today, it's gone. *Poof*
Moral of the story: Don't ever drag things on for too long. They will not wait for you to make up your mind. Can be applied to many things in life. Carpe Diem: Seize the moment.
People say that I appear to more laid back these days. Don't look as burnt out as I was back in JC. Perhaps this has got to do with all the letting go I've been doing for the past few months. I am a girl without a long term goal, the future is a big ? mark. Medicine has really closed its doors on me. I'll just keep knocking and wait for the door to open. After all, "stubborn" is my middle name. Or, if you want to put it nicely, determined.

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