Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Unpredictable part 2.

God showed me something again today. Yesterday I was lamenting about the unpredictability of life and today, "Wham!" I get an answer smacked in my face just when I don't expect it at all.
I was upset over an email that simply stated that the exchange to US is under review and to wait for another semester and even then nothing's confirmed. I truly felt sick of waiting and hanging around for confirmation. Why? Few months back, I applied. Some got accepted and others rejected. Me? I waited and waited but no answer came, at that point in time, I thought they had thrown my application away and didn't even bother to tell me about the outcome. So I gave up hope. Suddenly, they called. I GOT IT!!
Then now this. I feel like they're playing with my feelings.
This morning, the office called again and now the co-ordinator wants to see me. I wonder. For what? I have no idea what she's going to tell me. Though I replied that brief email asking about what's going on, I doubt she wants to meet me because of my reply. She could have just emailed back. So, frankly I have no clue.
The main thing that happened was not about the exchange programme.
It is about my attitude. I dislike it. Why can't I be more patient and wait upon the Lord?? And why am I always so uncontented?
Unlike Uncle Joey Kong who's a friend of 老爸. He has a rare kind of cancer and is the longest survivor of it. He was diagnosed with it 10 years ago at an advanced stage and the doctor told him was going to die in a few weeks. By God's grace he is still alive now and on trial for a new drug. I know it sounds really simple, but do you have any idea how many people he had brought to salvation because of his illness? Instead of staying at home away from the crowd like what the doctor told him to (a simple flu can kill him now), he continues to volunteer/counsel at the cancer centre and work. He even has a family to take care of. Auntie Yvonne, his wife, is a wonderful person. The drug he's taking now is giving him kidney failure and the loss of sense of taste. He thanks God for using him to bring so many people to Christ, but he suffered so much for it and he thinks it's worth the price.
His testimony makes me think. Here I am lamenting over losses and broken promises and feeling sorry for myself and there he is serving God and really living life to the fullest. Honestly, what really matters?

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