Friday, August 05, 2005

Procastination maketh an ass out of me.

Getting really frustrated by the subject combination for applying to INSTEP( Don't ask me what it means, it's the acronym for the exchange program). Couldn't find matching modules to take. May not be applying for INSTEP after all because the deadline is so near and I have not prepared anything. Apply next semester? Think it'll be better that way. Wanted to go pester Julian Lescar for help, but realised that I don't even know how to ask him which area I need help in. Having to balance schoolwork with the lengthy application is not helping at all.
With the start of this semester, it's back to the delicate balance of having a life and clearing my work. Feeling suffocated already. Shall not procrastinate. MUST clear work! Won't say that school has been boring, on the contrary I've been too busy to be bored. Alright, I almost fell asleep for a few lectures. But, a student's got to do what a student got to do righto? My primary duty is to keep awake during lectures. Yawn...
Quote of the day: Short is pretty. ( Not quoted by me.) Yes, No?
Rubbish. Haha.
Played with bacteria during lab and managed to get out of the lab with no purple or red stains. Klutzy me did not upset any dye to tie-dye my lab coat. Come to think of it, it's actually quite cool to have a purple or pink lab coat, no? Argh... Lab report. Wish it would write itself.

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