Thursday, August 18, 2005

Swollen and painful.

Seen the doctor on Sunday evening, supposed to be fine by now, but no. Apparently, I have some allergy to the antiboitics. Took 3 days for it to take effect--Swollen and painful lips. Just feel like tearing my entire mouth and throat out if it stops the pain. Had 6 solid hours of French tutorials this week, but I still can't really speak to save myself. Haha.
Speaking of which, I went for my interview today. I felt it was bad... I thought I was prepared, but they asked me questions that caught me off my guard.
Prof T (he's french) : Why should the university give you a loan to go?
Me: (Thinks abit) It will be an enriching experience, let me have a more well-rounded education and allow me more insight to the university's 5 Nobel prize laureates.
AHHH... Sound so lame... That more or less sums up the entire interview. Experience how lessons are taught overseas and to see what they have establish over there that makes them so famous... Doinks. Major decrease in self-confidence. Must have confidence in God.
I should've impressed Prof T with my lousy French. Nah, I think he'll be more depressed than impressed after hearing me say, " Je parle francaise ample."
Don't want to think, don't want to think. Thoughts running amok.

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